Καθαρά Δευτέρα – Clean Monday

Καθαρά Δευτέρα (Clean Monday) marks the beginning of Lent. In Molyvos it was celebrated with a village gathering in Lefkonikou Square. There was traditional Lenten food, a series of sketches (most of which were far too rude to report here) and dancing.

The weather was fantastic and it seemed like the entire village (and many from surrounding villages) had turned out to celebrate. What a fantastic party atmosphere.

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Lets go fly a kite!

Kite Flying near Molyvos Castle.Kite flying is a traditional end to Carnival in Greece. It is a time for families to spend time together and have some fun. Spring has already arrived in Lesvos so there was a good turn out to enjoy the warming sun and fly their kites.

Many people make their own kites and there is competition to have the prettiest kit. The real battle though is to see who can fly their kite the highest.

In Molyvos people gathered on the land at the top of the hill close to the castle. From here the top flyers were mere distant specks in the sky over the sea. A few kites managed to escape and take refuge in trees. I will spare their owners blushes by not showing the pictures.

Kite Flying near Molyvos Castle.  Kite Flying near Molyvos Castle.Kite Flying


Τσικνοπέμπτη – ‘Smokey Thursday’

IMG_0443Lent will soon be with us. Greeks like one last celebration to eat lots of meat (mostly lamb), drink a glass or two of wine and party.

Smokey Thursday gets its name from the smoke of the barbecue and as you can see [opposite] the name is quite apt. The village was filled with the wonderful smells and sounds of Τσικνοπέμπτη.

There was lots of traditional music and dancing.

There was lots of not so traditional music and dancing

But mostly there was lots of food, wine, good company and good humour. A massive thank you to everyone for the donations that made this all possible. Times are hard in Greece, but the spirit of Molyvos refuses to lie down.

I love this place.

All dressed up. Dancing in the StreetTraditional Dancing


One Billion Rising

It is estimated that globally, one woman in three will be beaten or raped in her lifetime. On February 14 ONE BILLION women and those who love them were invited to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence.

I am proud to report that the people of Molyvos stood up to be counted.